You’re able to keep track of the things that matter, managing to take control and concentrate on what's important to you. Such an optimistic approach positively affects your personal life, helping you to resolve any potential problems you must deal with and uncover the true significance of your relationships and exactly the direction they are heading.
Second Decanate April 1st to April 10 No luckYou have trouble concentrating on everyday responsibilities. Even though it's difficult to motivate yourself, don't become too dejected when things fail to turnout as you expect. If you do your best, you’re likely to have some limited success but don't expect too much. When you recover your composure, you’re more confident things improve greatly.
Third Decanate April 11 to April 20 Work effectivelyYou achieve a great deal, not only because your plans are well thought-out and have been well organized, but also because you have staying power to succeed in the long term. You’re able to use your talent and base of knowledge, and it's exactly this combination which makes everything seem so easy. Use your talent for communication to win allies.